Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited has announced 2,975 vacancies for the recruitment of Junior Station Attendants and Junior Powerman in 2024. These include 2,760 posts in the Non-Karnataka-Knowledge (NKK) region and 215 posts in the Karnataka-Knowledge (KK) region.
The application process took place between October 21 and November 20, 2024, attracting many candidates. The KPTCL admit card is expected to be released soon on the official website. Candidates can download it using their login credentials and must carefully check the details to ensure they are correct before attending the exam.
KPTCL Recruitment Examination 2024: Highlights
State | Karnataka |
Organization | Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited |
Name of Posts | Junior Station Attendant and Junior Powerman |
Total Vacancies | 2,975 |
Application Mode | Online |
Hall Ticket | To Be Released |
Exam Date | To Be Announced |
Official Website | kptcl.karnataka.gov.in |
Selection Process of KPTCL Jr. Station Attendant and Powerman 2024
The purpose of the KPTCL recruitment procedure is to evaluate a candidate’s abilities, level of fitness, and Kannada language proficiency. Candidates are first shortlisted according to their SSLC/10th Class grades. To demonstrate their proficiency in the language, those who make the shortlist must pass a Kannada language test.
Physical examinations to measure stamina and fitness are also part of the selection process. These assessments are:
- Pole-Climbing: Climbing an 8-meter pole is known as pole climbing.
- 100 Meter Sprint: Finishing the race in 14 seconds or less.
- Skipping: 50 skips in a minute is known as skipping.
- Shot Putting: Throwing a 12-pound weight at least 8 meters is known as a shot put.
- 800-Meter Race: The 800-meter run takes three minutes to complete.
KPTCL Hall Ticket Details 2024
The hall ticket will be issued soon on the official website of the KPTCL. The hall ticket contains several details about the examination like exam date, time, examination location, Candidate’s name, roll number, and other specific instructions. Download the hall ticket to avoid last-minute problems.
Applicants must check all the details on hall ticket, if you find any incorrection in hall ticket contact the KPTCL helpline immediatly.
How to Download the Hall Ticket of the KPTCL Jr. Station Attandent and Jr. Powerman?
To download the admit card of the KPTC Jr. Station Attandent and Jr. Powerman, need to follow these steps:
- Go to the official website (kptcl.karnataka.gov.in) of KPTCL.
- After visiting the site, from the main menu click on the “Recruitment” area.
- Click the link”Admit Card for JSA/JPM Recruitment 2024″.
- Fill in the login credentials eg registration number, date of birth, and password.
- Submit it and check your admit card.
- Now download the admit card and take a print of it.
Q1: Where I can find the admit card of KPTCL Recruitment 2024?
Ans: Visit the official website of KPTCL kptcl.karnataka.gov.in.
Q2: What is the selection process for Jr. Station Attandent and Jr. Powerman?
Ans: Candidate needs to qualify for pole climbing, skipping, 100-meter race, 100-meter sprint and shot put.